Saturday, August 27, 2005

I was really down last night and it's carried on into today. Had a talk with Eddie and I've been so busy with work we haven't had a good talk about what's happenin in our lives lately so it was sad for me to see that I neglected him like that. So I was just down cuz I missed him and I miss having a Bible Study. I just need that time to bear my soul to my closest friends and to sing songs to God it's just the greatest. Hopefully Riss and I can start one soon or we can figure out something. Anyways, so I worked this morning 7:30-1:00 and then Eddie works 1:00-8:00. Kinda lame. He's also leaving to go back to school Monday and I feel like it's gonna be hard to find time for eachother. Especially if we both work and so I'm somewhat worried about that. I know I need to trust God with it and just hand over all my worries to Him, but it's just hard sometimes to do that. I just feel self-centered when I worry about my life cuz deep down I know God is in control of everything. So I'm off to do homework...yessss. pray for my poor little heart