Tuesday, December 13, 2005

One More Day!!!

I have one more day of finals my friends. Yes you did count correctly I said one. How excited am I?! I just don't think I can handle it. Anyways, this next part of my blog is specifically to Janice so if you are not her you can just skip down if you want to the part where it says Janice session ended in big letters or you can read along. First answer to your question, I do like papers and school for the first week or maybe month or so of school and then I hate them. So that's the answer to your first question. Next item of agenda, New Years!!! I have not yet decided fully that I am not coming. So there is still a chance that I might come. I am still contemplating it and trying to decide if I can go. Mainly it's a matter of what days we'd be going and my sister might be coming here around the same time and I haven't seen her since the summer so it would be cool to see her. However, if it seems like all will work out, I will most definitely come to see you cuz you're my most favorite of all of Riss' friends from Capernwray. Aww friend bonding over the internet. I love it.
Sooo...I still have to study and that seems to be my life until tomorrow so until then my loves....