Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Registration Time!

Ohhh how my head is filled with units, classes, frustration and aching. So basically I'm going to be taking three classes over the summer. That just stinks. And I'm taking 5 classes in Fall of 06 and 6 classes in Spring of 07. Will I die of exhaustion? Perhaps. Will I graduate on time? I sure hope so! Since it seems poetry is the writing style lately and since Jon told me to share more poetry I will write a poem......

Ode to Iceland

You are cold
You are green
You are known for Vikings
You are snowy
You are white
You can see the northern lights
Your flag is white
Your flag is blue
Your flag is red, with a cross on it too
You have sheep
You have whales
You have ponies with funny tails
You have the Blue Lagoon
You'll have Marisa soon
And then I really won't like you
I might even try to fight you
For she is my bestest of bestest
Who's better than all the restest!

The End