Friday, March 03, 2006

Alright, here's the run down on me:

March 9th- I go in to have an event monitor put on me. It's basically a thing that will put stickys all over me to watch my heart and I wear it for two weeks in hopes that I'll have an episode when I'm wearing it so they can see what my heart is doing.

March 22nd- I go in to have an echocardiogram performed. That's the sonogram of my heart and they will check out the structures of my heart and see if all if ok with that.

I am also meeting with an electrophysiologist (person who specializes in heart rythmns) sometime soon and I will update when that is as soon as I know.

Thank you all for your prayers and I hope you have a great day! :)

P.S. Chris Tomlin really is my favorite right now. mmmmmm his voice makes me so happy.