Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I feel not as depressed today. Which is good...I ended up just taking a hot bath and listening to Chris Tomlin/talking to God about how I was sad that day. He and I had a pretty good conversation. I might just do it again today because it was so nice. Anyways all is well today except...I just have this massive headache which has handicapped my thoughts and therefore has thoroughly ended my completion of homework. It does pose a bit of a dilemma. I am already behind in my reading. So, perhaps I will have to wake up early tomorrow and read. Which is the last thing I want to do, but such is life sometimes. Hmmm..I made guacamole today and it was fantastic and I made myself a Greek chicken salad...mmm. I think that perhaps my headache has come from a caffeine withdrawal. I had caffeine yesterday in my tea for the first time in forever so perhaps my body is just now coming off that high. I don't know why I'm rambling....